a good day
Yesterday on May 30th, Memorial Day 2011, I awoke to "powdered Sugar" snow coating the back yard. I went running anyway and my friend Craig and I did 14 miles - the tough Devonshire run. It was cold enough to have long sleeves, a jacket, and light gloves on. But I was damned if I was going to wear tights on May 30th. It was a great run and it was a great day - but not as good as this day was. Just to show that there was really snow out there Today was one of those rare days of clarity. I think I actually stayed in the "now" (Just read "The Power of Now). I got up at 630, read the paper, did laundry and hung sheets and towels on the line. Jack and I went for four mile run even though my legs were a little whiney from yesterday's hills. Still the sun was shining, it was 45 degrees or so and we had to go. We saw our friend Teton (the dog) and his human whose name is either Lori or Linda - I can never remember. I always rememb...