Anyone who knows me knows that I am never! Speechless, that is. Well, I am now but it is because I am also voiceless. I need some Decadron, stat!
Being the eternal optimist I am aware that some people have it a lot worse, but....come on! It is only March and already I have broken my leg and haven't been able to run since January 19th. I have had some, lets just say "unpleasant interactions" at work (don't want to write about work on this blog even though I am pretty sure only about 2 people read it regularly -thanks Bruce and Sis), and then last week I had a sore throat that felt like this voodoo d0ll in an old Karen Black movie "Trilogy of Terror" was stabbing knives into my throat relentlessly. On Friday I thought I was all better, but then I started coughing. My voice left me yesterday but today I sound like I have snorted helium repeatedly - I have the voice (or lack of voice) of a 90 year old lady.
Shit, I say! Besides that I feel cranky too. I am going to give up and just spend the rest of the day gargling salt water, sucking on cough drops, and watching episodes of Lost. The good news, if it can be called that, is that this illness has left me without an appetite. Bruce call it a "stress fracture" or an "overuse injury". Could be, I guess.