is "less than jake" a monkey?
It started out as the usual 5:40 Am run. Jack and I headed out the door to greet Becky, who had just pulled up. As we walked down the driveway, I was amazed at how warm it felt. I didn't anticipate the patch of ice at the end of the driveway, nor did my right fibula. I went down, thinking "oh shit!" My right foot hyper extended and I heard/felt popping, pinging and other not so good things to hear/feel inside one's ankle. I fell on my back with my foot bent at a not anatomically good angle under me. I sat up and repeated several times "Son of a bitch!" My dad would have added "Cocksucker" like he did when he would be all settled in his recliner and realize he forgot to put his false teeth in. I could hear my mom saying "Jesus Christ Donna, I told you that you are too old to be running!" Becky got out the car. Her nose was bleeding for some reason. She helped me hobble back into the house - a fine pair we made, her dripping blood, me ho...