The Little Old Man
The little old man
Stood his ground
Proudly despite outliving several other humans
Not loved enough until he met Charlene
And was fed Biscotti and allowed
To lick the bowl after rice pudding
And sleep in her bed
On Monday nights when I visited
I took him for walks
he trotted, happy to be outside
Peed, but then came in and peed again
On Charlene’s garbage can
His worried, opaque eyes followed her
Into the bathroom and then
While she lay dying
He slept by her side, not wanting to leave her
Char wanted us to euthanize him so they
Would not be separated in death
But he had more life to live
Even though he had no teeth and he was worn
Like the velveteen rabbit
His worried eyes at her funeral seemed to beg me
For one last chance
And I took him home
Where he loved Toby and romped like a lamb
In the backyard
Until he deemed it was his time
I never got him a name tag
Thinking that he would never go far without me
Now I know he was never mine
He was just a guest, just passing through
On his way back to Charlene