Notes in the time of Corona: A prayer for things I took for granted

Sunday coffee at 230, I miss you
I miss choosing a place, 
my friend and I taking turns
Trying to find the perfect cup.  
She with her house coffee, black
Me with my grande latte
Complaining about the people who take up tables 
with their laptops and homework
But we  also envy them just a little
We guiltily share the 450 calorie pink frosted cookie
Talking about our retired lady weeks
The coffee place are all empty now 
Chairs on tables, no cookies
The silent espresso machine no longer hissing out steam.
I drink my coffee home alone on Sundays now
Reheating it later in the day but it is not the same.
When they let us out may we not complain 
about the people and their laptops
But be happy they are back 
Will they be masked?
Will the pink frosting cookies be allowed?
We will allow them and each have our own
May there be no guilt in 450 calories
May the espresso machine steam out it’s joy
