Life is good until you weaken
On my morning run, I frequently stop to chat with an older man named Jerry. Seeing Jerry is a great way to start out my day as he is, at 86 years old always smiling and usually has something to say that stays with me throughout my run. He walks with two canes, and is one of the most optimistic people I have ever “ran” into. I always stop to say hello and to ask how he is. “I am great. And even if I wasn’t I would tell you I was, because I would just be anticipating the future”, he always says. Then after kissing my hand, says, “The honor is mine and I hope the pleasure is all yours”. One morning after this usual greeting, He said, “There are only three things in life that people really need to be happy: “Something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to” . He is right. We don’t need so many material things. I think of the words of my son who at age 8 already had a lot of wisdom: “Having something is not nearly as ...