if it bleeds, put your finger on it
Friday at work, we were getting a lecture from a trauma surgeon about doing open thoracotomies, which means cutting into someones chest to do open heart massage, or to clamp an aorta to stop bleeding, or to do some other life saving thing in the ER because the person will die before you get to the operating room. The outcome, as one might guess even if one is horrified by even the thought, is grim, especially in pediatric patients. However, the outcome is certain to be death without this last ditch effort. Anyway, the surgeon said there are two simple rules to remember. I thought he was going to mention the right sized rib spreaders or aortic clamp, but I was wrong. Here's his two rules: 1. If it bleeds, put your finger on it. 2. Don't be a dork. I think his point was to not panic. One good way to not panic is to have all the necessary equipment...much of it looks like tools one would use to build something - thinks that maybe you could buy at Sears. Did you know that ...