How I spent my summer vacation
If I were a really good blogger, I would have faithfully placed an entry in here every day while Bruce and I were in Michigan and Wisconsin. I would have mentioned staying in a motel in York Nebraska and drinking my first of many Leinenkugel beers of the trip (a Wisconsin favorite), and maybe mentioned how boring it was driving across Nebraska and how I felt at home once we got to Minnesota. But a lack of wireless Internet connection in my mom's small town and maybe a lack of motivation kept me from revealing all of the details, so here are some of the highlights for anyone who cares to see what it is like to spend a week in the wilds of northern Michigan and another week somewhere in mid Wisconsin. Michigan was our first stop. We slept on the most uncomfortable hide-a-bed, that was a hand me down from my Dad's sister Helen. Why do they always have a bar right across your back? We went to the casino and I won nothing but my mom had fun. I had my traditional bloody Mary that is ...