
Memories of memorizing

The year is 1959.  I am in first grade, but I am in my sister's classroom, standing in front of Mrs. Crase's class.  My sister, a 6th grader  had to memorize the poem "The Midnight ride of Paul Revere" and she taught it to me.  Mrs. Crase thought that was a big deal and asked me to recite it for her  class.   I am nervous and looking at the floor. I clasp my hands behind my back and twist my right foot back and forth .   I am wearing a red plaid dress from the Jewel Tea man.  Two other girls in my class are wearing the same one.  The Jewel Tea man, a traveling salesman who sold many items including clothing, was popular with the mothers of that time.  I don't know if he even sold tea. "Listen my children and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere...."  I begin.    Suddenly I don't remember the next line.  My right foot twists even more rapidly. My left foot grounds me, holding steady.  I clasp and unclasp my sweaty hands behind my back. I

For Roman on his tenth birthday

Romy Romerson Baby Cakes #2 Our second grandson You were born With aunt Barbara’s cowlick  And her shy smile You mom’s brown eyes That one dimple Pressed into your cheek Maybe by your great grandmother’s Loving kiss Your brother’s face When he first saw you Eyes round Amazed and fascinated by You. His brother forever Two weeks old When grandpa and I  first saw you in Bogotá Already good natured wriggling, delighted by sun puddles and shadows made on the bed in the sunny patio Below on the streets the vendors called “Arepas! Tamales!” Treats you would later enjoy You called your big brother “Gagga” May you always be best friends. Gaga taught you how to look at me Cross eyed, with your finger In your belly button Teasing me because cross eyes and belly buttons Make me queasy He taught you how to do a good Japanese bow And play the bouncy ball game “Uno mas again!”  You said, laughing When we tipped you upside down into a somersault You introduced me to Anpanman Bread Face and muffinhe

Alegria para el mundo

I wish you could have seen her sweet face as she stood there in a driveway, not her own, her outstretched arms holding a freshly baked loaf of bread, still steaming in it's plastic bag.  Her smile was angelic and her eyes clear and sparkling. I stopped mid run, sweaty from the unusual humidity and my unusually fast (for me) pace.   "Joy to the world" I said.  "So happy to see you"  What are you doing here?" I knew this was not her house. I have gotten to know this beautiful lady on my runs.  I usually meet her in the same place on my route and always stop to say hello.  She walks with a fast purposeful gait, her walker in front of her.  She says she doesn't need it but her husband, worried that she will fall, insists she take it.   "I take it so he doesn't worry" she once told me. Some days she tells me she is 76 and other days she claims 83 years.  I am not sure how old she really is and maybe she isn't either.   It doesn't matter

For Calvin on his first birthday

  I think you were born with your blue eyes  lit up and a smile on your face ready to change the world with your happy little light life will be good for you little one,  wanted  so much you took your time getting here it was too cozy where you were Maybe you were waiting  for a background check on all of us August 27 2022 “We made it to the hospital waiting room” your dad says Your extended family stood by in various parts of the world - France, Utah, Michigan texting  notes of encouragement making jokes waiting and waiting I sat knitting aunt Barb did too like my mom did while your dad was being born. You stayed put, safe inside your mom reluctant to leave we didn’t know if you were a boy or girl and didn’t care as long as you got here Day turned into night and back into day And into another night. “We love you” came the voices from the family to your mom and dad  and to you As if the reassurances that you were already loved site unseen would get you here faster “Is it time for the

To Desmond on his 13th birthdy

13 years in your young life are not the same as 13 years in mine. 13 years ago I was 56 still working  and waiting for you, my first grandson 13 years ago you were just being kissed By my mom and sent down here from Wherever you were,  before you were. “Goopye now”, she said.  “You can Tell ‘em” Baby Cakes number 1 Staring curiously at the world Newly born, a little bit of all of us Sitting with me in my blue chair Playing patty cake. Sneaking up the stairs on mornings when  Everyone else was asleep Snuggling  a moment when it was still A new day I treasure the memory of those mornings Toast and Barb jam Or pancakes Baking bread with grandpa Playing bouncy balls in the hallway We did a 5k once  You in a stroller still less than one year old We made blanket forts in St. Louis Danced at your parents wedding  In New Orleans Had the best helado At Parque Cafe in Quindio  We sat on a porch in GuatapĂ©, you in a hammock Listening to your dad reading Harry Potter Now you’ve read it in at least